NO engraving diamond ring model
NO engraving diamond ring model
NO engraving diamond ring model
NO engraving diamond ring model
NO engraving diamond ring model
NO engraving diamond ring model

NO engraving diamond ring model

Regular price€781,00
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Bague Jaya - pavage diamants, centre topaze bleue
- poids en or 750/1000 : 1,50 g
- poids topaze bleue : 0,15 carat
- poids total diamants de pavage : 0,10 carat

La bague Jaya est disponible en diamants naturels et en diamants de laboratoire et s'accorde parfaitement avec l'alliance Maya

(Le poids de l’or et des pierres sont donnés à titre estimatif, ils peuvent varier en fonction de la taille de la monture)

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  • Mise à taille offerte :

La mise à taille des bagues est possible à l’exclusion des modèles pavés tour complet.

 Si vous avez besoin de faire une mise à taille (le maximum conseillé est de 2 tailles : au-dessus, la structure de la bague peut se fragiliser), nous vous invitons à remplir la demande de SAV. L’envoi doit se faire dans un colis sécurisé offrant une protection maximale pour préserver l’intégrité du bijou (papier bulle, boite rigide…)


  • Gravure offerte :

Les gravures à l'intérieur des bagues et sur les bijoux de la collection "Chevalières & identités" vous seront gracieusement offertes uniquement lors du processus d'achat sur notre site

Si vous souhaitez faire une gravure ultérieure à l'achat du bijou, elle vous sera facturée et les frais d'expédition seront à votre charge.

 Une épreuve de la gravure que vous avez choisie lors de votre commande vous sera envoyée, et devra être validée avant sa réalisation.


  • « Conflict free diamonds » et notre éthique :
    • Pour les diamants naturels :

Nos diamants sont certifiés ne provenant pas de pays en guerre, afin de promouvoir un commerce éthique et durable. Grâce au Processus de Kimberley instauré depuis l’année 2000, l’industrie du diamant peut contribuer à un avenir plus pacifique et respectueux des Droits de l’Homme. Le choix de diamants certifiés soutient une économie plus équitable.

    • Pour nos pierres de couleur :

Nos pierres précieuses et semi-précieuses sont garanties provenir d’extractions respectueuses et durables, visant à préserver l’environnement des sites après extraction, à garantir des conditions de travail justes et soutenir les communautés locales.

    • Pour le choix de l’or :

Nous utilisons de l’or recyclé ce qui influence positivement l’industrie de la bijouterie : diminution de l’impact environnemental, préservation des ressources et responsabilité sociale. L’utilisation de l’or recyclé contribue à un avenir plus durable et responsable.


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Each stone has its meaning, its energy, its properties that can benefit us. Whether you choose it according to an astrological sign, for its color, by passion or for any other reason, Thibault jewelry is made with natural colored stones from artisanal mines, with an extraction capacity that respects the environment. and concerned about human conditions.

The Diamond its name comes from the Greek adamas and adamatos meaning indomitable, unshakable, inflexible because of its hardness. Its chemical composition is pure crystallized carbon, which makes it the hardest material known to date. It is the most famous gemstone in jewelry, there are different colors brown, black, yellow, blue, green, pink and the most expensive being red. The first diamonds were discovered in India around 500 BC.

The white diamond has many different symbols. Its brilliance makes it a symbol of purity. In the couple, it is a symbol of love, harmony and fidelity.
The person who wears a diamond keeps them away from negative energies and amplifies their positive energies by giving them strength, creativity, courage and self-confidence.

Diamond Characteristics:

  • FAMILY: Diamond
  • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Diamond is particularly suitable for the signs of Aries, Leo and Capricorn

améthysteAmethyst it was used during antiquity against excesses, that's where its name comes from. It is the stone of the popes, it is a symbol of spirituality. It is from the quartz family and its very recognizable purple shades are due to the presence of iron and manganese composing it. Amethysts come mainly from India and Brazil.

Amethyst promotes concentration and spiritual elevation. It stimulates imagination and creativity.

Characteristics of Amethyst:

  • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Silicon dioxide, SiO²
  • FAMILY: Quartz
  • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Amethyst is particularly suited to the signs of Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo.

quartz fumé

Smoky Quartz is from the quartz family like amethyst. Several million years ago, the aluminum impurities present in the quartz underwent irradiation giving it this hue varying from light brown to deep brown.

It is very effective in reducing stress and strong emotions and would promote concentration and self-confidence.

Characteristics of Smoky Quartz:

  • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Silicon Dioxide, SiO²
  • FAMILY: Quartz
  • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Smoky Quartz is best suited for the signs of Libra, Scorpio, and Capricorn


Aquamarine its name comes from the Latin aqua marina meaning "sea water". Just like the emerald, it is from the beryl family. Its color ranges from light blue to blue-green. The most beautiful are found in Madagascar and Pakistan.

Aquamarine has soothing virtues, promotes open-mindedness, a taste for justice and helps personal development. It promotes singing, clear and calm speeches. Associated with the marine world, it helps to fight seasickness.

Aquamarine characteristics:

  • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Aluminum beryllium silicate, Be3Al2Si6O18
  • FAMILY: Beryls
  • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Aquamarine is best suited for the signs of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces

saphir bleu

The Blue Sapphire its name comes from the Greek "sappheiros" meaning "precious stone" Like diamonds, rubies and emeralds, it is one of the four precious stones. Sapphire belongs to the corundum family, the aluminum oxide crystals of which it is composed offer it a wide variety of colors. It is found in Australia and Madagascar, but the Ceylon blue sapphire is one of the most famous for its brilliant blue.

Blue, green, yellow or white, the sapphire would give virtues to whoever wears it.

Blue sapphire has power with celestial power, it promotes spiritual elevation and meditation.

Characteristics of blue sapphire:

  • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Aluminum oxide, Al2O3
  • FAMILY: Corundum
  • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Sapphire is best suited for the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

saphir vert

Green Sapphire, it belongs to the corundum family, like blue sapphire, but its lower iron content gives it a green tint. It is a very rare sapphire in nature and therefore difficult to find.

It brings positive energy that regulates the body and mind. Because of its rarity, it symbolizes passion and loyalty.

Characteristics of green sapphire:

  • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Aluminum oxide, Al2O3
  • FAMILY: Corundum
  • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Sapphire is best suited for the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

saphir blanc

The White Sapphire "leukos" means white in ancient Greek, it can also be called "leuco-sapphire". It is a colorless sapphire found mainly in the Mandalay region of Burma and in Sri Lanka in the Ratnapura region.

The transparency of the white sapphire symbolizes freedom. When it is offered to a loved one it symbolizes the purity of feelings.

It gives courage and calms fears.

Characteristics of white sapphire:

  • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Aluminum oxide, Al2O3
  • FAMILY: Corundum
  • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Sapphire is best suited for the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

    saphir jaune

    The Yellow Sapphire its name comes from the Greek "sappheiros" meaning "precious stone". Like the diamond, the ruby ​​and the emerald, it is one of the four precious stones. Its iron content being lower than blue sapphire, it takes on this yellow to orange-yellow color. It belongs to the corundum family.

    The yellow sapphire protects against bad energies and radiating like the sun, it symbolizes passion and joy. It stimulates the intellect and creative energy, vitality.

    It gives courage and calms fears.

    Characteristics of yellow sapphire:

    • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Aluminum oxide, Al2O3
    • FAMILY: Corundum
    • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Sapphire is best suited for the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces


    Garnet its name comes from the Latin meaning pomegranate fruit for its color, or even grain because of its rounded crystallized shape It is often red in color, but can -be also brown, orange or even green, being then called tsavorite.

    Garnet brings energy, strength, self-confidence, courage, joy of life and success

    Garnet characteristics:

    • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Aluminum and iron silicate, Fe3Al2Si3O12
    • FAMILY: Garnet
    • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Garnet is best suited for the signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Aries


    Tsavorite it belongs to the garnet family. It is a relatively "new" stone as it was only discovered in Tanzania in 1967. Rich in vanadium and chromium, its color is a shades ranging from emerald green, to light green and mint green.

    Tsavorite provides many benefits to its owner. It attracts luck and prosperity. It increases vitality and soothes strong emotions and stress

    Tsavorite characteristics:

    • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Aluminum and iron silicate, Fe3Al2Si3O12
    • FAMILY: Garnet
    • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Garnet is best suited for the signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Aries

    topaze blue London

    The Blue Topaz its name comes from the Greek word "topazion" which means "fire". From the family of silicates, it has a wide variety of colors including the red-orange color called "fire topaz". There are generally 3 shades of blue topazes including sky blue with a pale color, Swiss blue with a turquoise shade and a deeper blue, the "London blue".

    It soothes and recharges the body's energies. It is beneficial for sleep and helps fight against stress and anxiety.

    Topaz Characteristics:

    • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Aluminum fluosilicate, Al2(SiO4) (F,OH)2.
    • FAMILY: Silicates
    • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Blue Topaz is best suited for the signs of Libra and Sagittarius

    tourmaline rose
    Pink Tourmaline its name comes from the Sinhalese "Thuramali" which is the old name of Sri Lanka. This stone family was imported by Holland which gave it the name tourmaline in 1703. Pink, green, blue, orange, black,… it is one of the most colorful minerals in the world, it can also be called stone. rainbow.

    It symbolizes self-love and love for others, it stimulates the capacity for compassion.

    Its pink color soothes emotions and physical pain.

    Characteristics of pink tourmaline:

    • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Complex silicates of aluminum borosilicates with iron, magnesium and alkalis (Na,Li,Ca)(Mn,Mg,Fe,Al,Ti,Cr)9((OH,F)4/(BO )3/Si6O18).
    • FAMILY: Tourmalines
    • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Tourmaline is particularly suitable for the signs of Cancer, Libra and Capricorn


    Rubellite its name comes from the Latin word "rubellus" meaning reddish Its color is very intense pinkish red, it can sometimes be confused with ruby but it is part of the tourmaline family which was imported by Holland and gave it the name tourmaline in 1703.

    It symbolizes passion, encourages dynamism and calms fears. It also helps to develop self-confidence, perseverance and courage in its owner

    Its pink color soothes emotions and physical pain.

    Characteristics of rubellite:

    • CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Complex silicates of aluminum borosilicates with iron, magnesium and alkalis (Na,Li,Ca)(Mn,Mg,Fe,Al,Ti,Cr)9((OH,F)4/(BO )3/Si6O18).
    • FAMILY: Tourmalines
    • SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC: Tourmaline is particularly suitable for the signs of Aries and Libra